Strike One to Educate One Hundred the rise of the Red Brigades in Italy in the 1960s-1970s

Strike One to Educate One Hundred
the rise of the Red Brigades in Italy in the 1960s-1970s

by Chris Aronson Beck, Reggie Emilia, Lee Morris and Ollie Patterson
A Seeds Beneath the Snow Publication

Long-rumoured to be out of print, this book is a sympathetic appraisal of the marxist-leninist Red Brigades. The main criticism that can be made of this impressive 200 page photocopied book is that the authors do not deal with the more convoluted and depressing part of the Brigades’ history after the kidnapping and killing of Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro in 1978.

Nevertheless, this book is an excellent read which could serve as an example as to how this kind of subject matter can be dealt with. Extensive attention is paid to the political context, so amongst other things Strike One provides a fascinating history of the Italian radical left in the postwar era, especially the 1960s and 1970s.

I have scanned in the first chapters of Strike One (and hope to add more in the future), for your reading pleasure. Just click the links below to read them.

Strike One to Educate One Hundred

Chapter Two: New Left Up to the Formation of the BR (Red Brigades)
Chapter Three: Preparation for a New Resistance: C.P.M.
Chapter Four: The Red Brigades appear: factory actions
Chapter Five: The struggle for political line
Chapter Six: Increased represion as BR begin political kidnappings
Chapter Seven: Campaign against “Fiat Fascism”
Chapter Eight: Against “White Shirt Fascism”
Chapter Nine: Carry the attack to the heart of the State
AfterwordFalse Nationalism False Internationalism:
Class Contradictions in the Armed Struggle