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Brief History of the Communist Territorial Nuclei

The Communist Territorial Nuclei are an autonomous formation, which operates in the Turin area in accordance with the thesis of Prima Linea (PL). Its main points of orientation are “territorial control” and “construction of the proletarian army”. The factory is at the center of its most significant interventions. Some of …

Brief History of Red Guerrilla

In the Milan area some militants coming out of the experiences of the Communist Brigades and the Combatant Communist Formations, interested in deepening the analysis of the apparatus of information and intervention deployed against them form Red Guerrilla in the Spring of 1979. This formation carries out some minor sabotage …

Brief History of the Communist Brigade

In March 1973 on the initiative of some militants of Potere Operaio who left that organization following the Rosolina conference in the same year, and others coming from Lotta Continua and the area of autonomy the bimonthly journal Rosso begins publication. A wide area of debate emerges around this publication …